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Title: WS2P: preferred and privileged nodes Order: 9 Date: 2020-10-04 Slug: ws2p_preferred_privileged Authors: elois
WS2P: preferred and privileged nodes
Preferred nodes
List of preferred public keys, your node will connect in priority to duniter nodes whose public key is in your preferred public key list.
To add a public key to your list of preferred keys:
duniter config --ws2p-prefered-add <pubkey>
To remove a key from your preferred key list :
duniter config --ws2p-prefered-rm <pubkey>
To consult the list of your preferred keys:
duniter ws2p list-prefered
Or use environment variable DUNITER_WS2P_PREFERED_KEYS
Privileged nodes
Just as you can set preferred keys for your outgoing WS2P connections, you can set privileged keys for your incoming WS2P connections. That is, if you receive more connection requests than the maximum number you have configured, connections initiated by nodes whose public key is part of your privileged keys will be given priority.
To add a key to your privileged key list :
duniter config --ws2p-privileged-add <pubkey>
To remove a key from your privileged key list:
duniter config --ws2p-privileged-rm <pubkey>
To consult the list of your privileged keys:
duniter ws2p list-privileged
Or use environment variable DUNITER_WS2P_PRIVILEGED_KEYS