Table des matières

  1. Prerequisites
    1. Get source code
      1. From archive tar.gz or zip
      2. With git
    2. Install Prerequisites
      1. Build essential tools
        1. Debian/Ubuntu
        2. Fedora
      2. Rust
  2. Build the project
    1. Set autocompletion
    2. Run on command line
    3. Run on gui

Compile Duniter manually from source code

Title: Compile Duniter manually Order: 1 Date: 2020-05-05 Slug: manual_compilation Authors: elois

WARNING: This documentation corresponds to the version under development. To compile the latest stable version, please refer to the documentation on the stable branch:


To compile Duniter manually, there is currently the following requirement:

Get source code

From archive tar.gz or zip

Url to download source code of a specific Duniter version X.Y.Z:

Replace X.Y.Z with the version of Duniter you want to install.

Then extract the archive to the folder of your choice.

With git

Latest stable version:

git clone -b stable --depth 1

Specific version:

git clone -b X.Y.Z --depth 1

Replace X.Y.Z with the version of Duniter you want to install.

Install Prerequisites

Build essential tools

Build essential tools:

Depend on your distribution:

apt-get install build-essential cmake
sudo dnf install gcc-c++
dnf groupinstall "Development Tools" "Development Libraries"

TODO: If you know how to install build essential tools for other gnu/linux distributions or for mac, you can complete this documentation and submit a merge request.


curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y

Build the project

Go to the root of the folder where you extracted the source code (or possibly cloned from git).

WARNING: the compilation of the project requires a lot of resources on your machine, and several long minutes, don't do anything else at the same time!

Command to compile :

cargo xtask build --production

Set autocompletion

To install or update Duniter's command auto-completion:

bin/duniter completions bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/duniter_completion.bash

Run on command line

bin/duniter start

Run on gui

bin/duniter webstart

then open localhost:9220 on your browser.